College of Education and Human Development wordmark.

Info sessions macro

Import the macro

{% import "macros/info-sessions-feed.html" as info_session %}

Call the macro inside a bottom_js block

{% block bottom_js %}{{ parent() }}
{# The call to parent() above is *very* important #}
{{ info_session.info_sessions_feed_js("McNair") }}
{% endblock %}

The parameter we passed in above is the value for the code query parameter in the feed. I.e.,

The macro accepts other parameters as well. See the table below.

info_sessions_feed_js macro parameters
firstcodeThe value for the code query parameter in the info sessions feed. I.e., (required)
secondlimitThe number of results to display4
thirdtarget element selectorThe JQuery selector for the element where info sesssion should be rendered#info-sessions-container
fourthpath to templateThe path to the directory where the Nunjucks† template is/assets/dist/views/cehd/info-sessions
fifthNunjucks template nameThe name of the Nunjucks template used to render the eventsindex.html

Nunjucks is a JavaScript template engine that has a syntax almost identical to Twig.

Calling macro with all parameters

{% block bottom_js %}{{ parent() }}
{# The call to parent() above is *very* important #}
{{ info_session.info_sessions_feed_js(
) }}
{% endblock %}