College of Education and Human Development wordmark.

did you know SVG with a one-half blue background

{# import the macro #}
{%- import "macros/svg.html" as svg -%}
<div class="row emphasis cool">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="half feature margin-top-1">
            {# create an array of 2-5 short lines of text #}
            {% set lines = [
                "CEHD has scholarships",
                "ranging from",
                "$1,000-$20,000 for tuition, study abroad",
                "and unpaid internships.",
            ] %}
            {# call the macro #}
            {{ svg.did_you_know(_context, "Did you know facts", "Did you know", lines) }}

Did you know facts Did you know Did you know CEHD has scholarshipsranging from$1,000-$20,000 for tuition, study abroadand unpaid internships.